Welcome to my life! This is where I post notes and thoughts on my personal experiences. Grammar and spelling Nazi's beware I seldom edit my thoughts. For my art page visit www.evergirlart.com

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Candy Apple Army Experience

My first duty station was at Walter Reed Army Medical Center which was considered the candy apple army. I was supposed to go to Korea first but that is another story for another time. My job in the finance office was pretty easy so I got permission to get a part time job as a bartender in the NCO / Officer’s club.
One Friday afternoon I was stocking the cooler preparing for boss 's night, when I turned to help a polite soldier who had come in for a drink. As I turned to help him I about came out of my own skin.
This soldier has been hit by a scud missile, from the elbows down he had no arms, his face was more terrifying than any Hollywood horror movie monster, skim melted off, he had no legs. He used his elbows and mouth to open out a small coin purse and asked me to count out enough for a beer.

Living on base at WRAMC had its plus points, our mess hall was the hospital cafeteria, and being the hospital in DC the food was pretty good so I ate there most the time. What I remember most about being at WRAMC was the people I would meet at the hospital, in the cafeteria, elevators and in the hospital smoking areas. I spent hours visiting people in their rooms and sneaking then up booze in mouth wash bottles. (It was one of those sneaking booze into the hospital when Peter saw me for the first time).

Now back to that young soldier that lost both arms facial skin and his legs. He was only 19, to young to have a drink. He showed me his exit papers he was only getting 30% disability! I served him a drink anyway, it was on the house!

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Issaquah, WA, United States
I am who I am because of thousands of life experiences