Welcome to my life! This is where I post notes and thoughts on my personal experiences. Grammar and spelling Nazi's beware I seldom edit my thoughts. For my art page visit www.evergirlart.com

Monday, October 22, 2012


As a small  child I used to talk to my  grandparents  on the  telephone  before  going to bed. Before saying  good bye my  grandfather would tell me he was blowing me a kiss . I remember him asking  ,"  Can the phone cord reach the back  porch?  I replied," yes". He said," that is wonderful. Now go stand on the porch and tell me when you are ready!" 'Once on the porch he would say,"  okay  I am  blowing you a  kiss let me know when you  get it. " Sometimes it would  be  seconds , other times  minutes and  sometime I would tell him you missed me! 
45 years later when  I feel the wind on my  face I  think of someone blowing me a kiss. If I  stop to pay close attention I  swear I am catching some of those kisses I missed so many years ago.  

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About Me

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Issaquah, WA, United States
I am who I am because of thousands of life experiences